Frequently Asked Questions

Asking questions on Fixya:

How do I ask a question on Fixya?

Asking questions on Fixya is simple and free:

  1. Type your question in the Ask box on top and click on the Ask button.
  2. Select the relevant product or category for your question.
    • If you know the brand, start typing the brand and then the category. For example if you have a question about your Samsung Washing Machine, start typing Samsung and then Washing machine
    • If you are not sure what is your Product Brand, start typing the category. For example if you have a question about your headphones, start typing headphones
  3. Now, add as many details to your question as possible. The more details, the easier it will be for thea Experts to answer you.

    For example: add your product Brand and Model, specify when the problem started and what have you done so far to try and solve it.

  4. when done, click on the Ask button
    • If you are already registered to Fixya, your question will be posted on Fixya right away
    • If you are new to Fixya, you will be prompt to enter your name, email address and to choose a password.

Please note:

  • The response time for a solution can vary according to how common the problem is and how many Experts are available at the time.
  • You will be notified via email once a solution has been offered to your question.

When will my question be answered?

The response time for a solution can vary according to how common the problem is and how many Experts are available at the time.

Please review your question and check if there are any details you can add to it:

  • The more details, the easier it will be for Experts to answer you.

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Click on "My Problems" tab and locate the relevant question
  4. Select "Add Comment," enter your text and hit the green "Add Comment" button to submit

  • You will be notified via email once a solution has been offered to your question.
  • Please check your spam folder regularly as some valid emails may mistakenly be categorized as spam.

How do I find my previous question?

To find your question:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Click on "My Problems" tab and you can find the questions you posted.

How do I add details to my question?

To add additional information to your posted question, please do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Click on "My Problems" tab and find the relevant question
  4. Select "Add Comment", enter your text and hit the green "Add Comment" button to submit.

Please note:

  • The response time for a solution can vary according to how common the problem is and how many Experts are available at the time.
  • You will be notified via email once a solution has been offered to your question.
  • Please check your spam folder regularly as some valid emails may mistakenly be categorized as spam.

How do I edit my question?

To edit your question:

  1. Find the question you want to edit.
  2. Click on the "edit" button.
  3. Update your question, and click on "Update" button to submit the changes.

How do I move my question to a different category?

Level 2 and Level 3 experts can re-categorize any questions on the website. To do so, on the question page, click on the "More" button, then choose "Recategorize", and you simply need to find the category you want to move the question to, and click on "Update".

If you are not at Level 2 or Level 3 yet, you can still delete your own question and then post the question under the correct category you intended to.

How do I delete my question?

To delete your own question, click on the "delete" button on your question page, and then select or input the reason to delete, and click the "delete" button.

I solved my own question, how do I share the solution on Fixya?

Posting a solution to your own problem may be helpful to users with a similar problem.

While you cannot answer your own question, you can always edit your own question. Edit your question and add your details after your question, and others who see your question will find also see the solution you added.

Or, you can simply add a comment on your question. Click on "Add Comment", enter your text and hit the green "Add Comment" button to submit.

Creating a Fixya account:

How do I sign up for Fixya?

Signing up for Fixya is simple and free:

  1. Click the "Sign In" link in the top right corner of any page on Fixya. This will take you to the registration page.
  2. Click on the blue "Create an Account" link.
  3. Complete the registration form:

    • Full Name - This will be displayed on the Fixya website. Your name must be 4-12 alphanumeric characters in length
    • Email Address - This will be the email address we use to contact you regarding important updates, etc. We will not share your email address with anyone. See our Privacy Policy for details
    • Password - Your password must be a minimum of 4 alphanumeric characters.
  4. Click the "Join" button.
  5. You can also connect to Fixya using your Facebook account:
  6. Click the "Sign up with Facebook" button.
  7. If prompted, enter your Facebook account information.
  8. Click "Log in".
  9. Note: By clicking the "Join" or "Allow" button, you are agreeing to the Terms of Use for the Fixya site.

How do I sign in to my Fixya account?

If you have just registered, you will automatically be signed into your account.

If you are returning to Fixya:

  1. Click the "Sign In" link in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Enter the email address that you registered to Fixya with.
  3. Enter the password that you selected when registering.
  4. Click on the "Sign In" button

If you can't remember your password:

  1. Click on the "Forgot Password" button.
  2. Enter the email address of your Fixya account and click on "Submit".
  3. A new password will be sent to your email.

I forgot my password. What should I do?

If you forgot your password, please do the following:

  1. Click on the "Sign In" button on the top right of the page.
  2. Click on the "Forgot password" link in blue. You'll be asked to enter the email address that you registered to Fixya with.
  3. Click on the "Submit" button.

If you do not receive the email with your new password within a few minutes, please check your spam folder.

If you do not receive the email with your new password, please contact our Support Team.

To change your new Fixya password:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account with the new password you have just been sent.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Select "My Settings" from the right hand side of the blue bar at the top.
  4. Click on the "Change" button under the password heading.
  5. Enter your current password and then select a new password.
  6. Click the "Change Password" button.
  7. Your password will be updated immediately.

How do I change my password?

To change your Fixya password:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account with your current password.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Select "My Settings" from the right hand side of the blue bar at the top.
  4. Click on the "Change" button under the password heading
  5. Enter your current password and then select a new password.
  6. Your password will be updated immediately.

Please note:
The password system is case sensitive.
Be careful not to copy and paste your password as this can cause an error.

How do I change my email address?

To change the email address you use for your Fixya account, please do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Select "My Settings" from the right hand side of the blue bar at the top.
  4. In the Email Address field, enter your new email address.
  5. Scroll down and click "Save my Information".

Please make sure that your email address is correct and that you add Fixya to your safe list in order to receive notification emails from us.

How do I update my profile?

To change any of your Fixya account profile details, please do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Select "My Settings" from the right hand side of the blue bar at the top.
  4. Make any changes that you want to your profile.
  5. Scroll down and click "Save my Information".

How do I change or delete my profile photo (avatar)?

To change upload or change your profile photo (avatar), please do the following :

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account.
  2. Click on your profile picture (avatar) in the top right hand corner of the page and select "My Account".
  3. Select "My Settings" from the right hand side of the blue bar at the top.
  4. Select one of the default avatars pictured under the heading Profile Picture, or upload your own photo by clicking "Upload".
  5. Scroll down and click "Save My Information".
  6. Your profile photo will change after you refresh the page or after you sign out and sign back in again

What browsers does Fixya support?

Fixya supports most versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you have a question about a specific browser, please contact our Support Team.

Where can I find the Fixya Terms and Conditions?

Click here to view the Fixya Terms and Conditions.

Where can I find the Fixya Privacy Policy?

Click here to view the Fixya Privacy Policy.

Providing Assistance on Fixya:

Can I provide assistance on Fixya?

Yes. We welcome Experts from all walks of life to assist our users.

Everyone is able to become a Fixya Expert and provide assistance by sharing their own product knowledge on Fixya.

Are there any guidelines for posting an answer on Fixya?

All answers posted on Fixya must adhere to the following guidelines:

- Answers must be longer than 1-2 words

- Answers may not include referrals to call centers and other forums.

- Answers should not include promotion to unrelated services.

- Answers must not include rude and abusive language.

Can my answer be removed from Fixya?

If answers posted on Fixya do not adhere to the site's guidelines and policies they might be removed from the site.

Can Expert be suspended or permanently removed from the site?

Any user or expert who is posting content that does not adhere to the site's guidelines and policies may be suspended or permanently banned from the site, and their posted content removed.

Is it free to sign up as an expert?

Yes. It is free to sign up as an expert on Fixya.

Where do I find unsolved problems that I can answer?

To answer unsolved problems:

  1. Sign in to your Fixya account.
  2. Click on "Answer Questions" button at the top navigation bar. Then you will see the most recent questions on Fixya.
  3. Click on any question and answer window will appear. You can post your answer there.
  4. To find topics you're good at:

  5. Click on "My Categories >>" button at the left side.
  6. And then search and add categories that are under your expertise.
  7. After you're done adding your categories, click on the "All" button under "My Categories >>"
  8. And you will see the customized list of questions just for you.

How do I edit or delete other people's question?

In answer page, Level 2 and Level 3 experts can edit or delete other users questions for proper reasons. It works exactly like editing or deleting your own question.

To get to answer page, click on "Answer Questions" button at the top navigation bar.

Who can rate solutions on Fixya?

Askers can rate the solutions they receive as helpful and also leave a testimonial for the experts who solved their question. Positive asker ratings also award points to the expert who provided the solution.

All other site users can also vote solutions as helpful. This determines the placement of solutions on the thread, but is not factored into the expert's average site rating.

What are points on Fixya?

Each question or problem posted on Fixya earns the person who provides a solution from 1 to 3 points. Based on the time in which a question receives an answer and the level of the expert who answered it, a different amount of points are awarded.

Time: Level 1 Experts: Level 2 Experts: Level 3 Experts:
0-3 Hours 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points
3-12 Hours 1 Point 3 Points 3 Points
12-24 Hours 1 Point 1 Point 3 Points
24+ Hours 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point

Besides that, you can get additional points by adding attachments that helps further illustrate a solution, or answering a question with multiple people waiting on answer.

Fixya encourage quality solutions. Posting a tip or a video solution also can get you extra points.

What are levels on Fixya?

Fixya's expert community is divided into 3 levels which are based on the number of points an expert has earned by providing solutions.

Level 1 Experts: Level 2 Experts: Level 3 Experts:
1-99 Points Earned 100-999 Points Earned 1000+ Points Earned

Once you reach the required amount of points you will automatically progress to the next level.

Level 2 and Level 3 experts are "moderators" on Fixya. They have the power to edit or delete other user's questions to maintain a quality environment for the community.

What is the Experts Leaderboard?

The Expert Leaderboard displays the Top Ten Experts of the current week. This competition runs from midnight on Monday to midnight on Sunday GMT.

Experts are ranked based upon their score. An Expert's score is simply the number of points he has earned that week. Points are earned by solving problems, receiving positive ratings, and answering questions in a timely manner to earn 3 point solutions.

The ten Experts with the highest score that week will be shown on the leaderboard. The Expert with the highest score that week will earn a Top Expert achievement badge to wear on their profile.

You can see the Experts Leaderboard in action by clicking here.

What are Achievements?

Achievements are performance related badges that recognize the experts who have achieved a significant milestone. These badges are not correlated to points or levels so any expert who qualifies to their definitions can earn them.

Fixya's Achievements Page contains a more detailed explanation for each achievement and how to earn the related badge.

What are Tips & How To's?

Tips & How To's are tips you can write to help people who are looking for advice on how to handle a product issue. These tips can include anything from a description of a typical issue, some basic troubleshooting steps one should always go through, or anything else you can think of that would help an individual with a product problem.

Do you have a solution for a common issue? Write a tip and help others find a solution.

What is My Dashboard?

Your Dashboard gives you information regarding your Expert Account with colorful, animated display gauges. You can see which level you are at, as well as analyze how close you are to progressing on to the next level. Furthermore, you can also see the amount of points you have, the difficulty of the questions you answered, and every single Achievement you have earned.

Your Dashboard can be found on the right side of your home page as soon as you log in to Fixya.

What is my Public Profile?

Your Fixya public profile is a page that gives a snapshot of who you are as an Expert. Your solution history, tips, problems, achievements, points, products, and site activity is displayed for other users to see and interact with.

You also have the opportunity to connect your social network accounts (such as Twitter and Facebook) and display them in your profile, allowing fellow Fixya fanatics to interact with you as you share your solutions across the web. To connect your social accounts, access your "My Profile" page by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner of your screen and selecting "My Account".

Understanding Terms & Conditions:

Where can I find the Fixya Terms & Conditions?

Click here to read the Fixya Terms & Conditions.

Do I have sole ownership of the content I post on Fixya?

When you provide content on the Fixya site, you grant Fixya a fully-paid, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, edit, copy, modify, transmit, publicly perform or create derivative works of such content and information.

Can I directly contact other Fixya users?

No. You are prohibited from posting personal contact details or inviting other Fixya users to contact you outside of the Fixya site without advanced written consent by Fixya.

Can I post commercial information or solicitations?

No. You are prohibited from posting personal contact details or inviting other Fixya users to contact you outside of the Fixya site without advanced written consent by Fixya.

Can I post personal contact information?

No. You are prohibited from posting personal contact details or inviting other Fixya users to contact you outside of the Fixya site without advanced written consent by Fixya.

Contacting Fixya:

Who can I contact with support questions (user)?

If you have a general support question, please email us at [email protected]. Please do not email us technical questions regarding your personal consumer products. You may post your gadget, electronic and/or consumer product technical questions on using the "Ask" link at the top of each page, and receive technical support from the Fixya community.

How do I report abuse on Fixya?

If you believe another user is abusing the rules of, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate the abusive post thread on the site.
  2. Click the "Report Abuse" link or icon (small flag).
  3. Click the appropriate reason for reporting the thread.
  4. Use the "Other Reason" field on the form to describe the reason other than the selection listed.
  5. Click the "Report" button.
  6. We will review your report and take any necessary steps to remedy the situation. Please note that your identity will not be revealed to the abuser.

Please do not use the "Report Abuse" form to submit technical questions regarding your consumer products. You may post your gadget, electronic and/or consumer product technical questions on the Fixya troubleshooting forums, and receive technical support from the Fixya community.
